2019 US Chicken Creative Taiwanese Culinary Competition

2019美國雞肉 台灣風情創意料理 廚神菁英盃烹調大賽

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↑ 圖1   美慧老師的巧手示範美國雞肉三杯雞

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1. 雞肉在運送過程中,必須要保持低溫!

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1. 請確保外包裝為冰的,並且沒有被打開。

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fil55888 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我們可能在商店內買到有受精的雞蛋嗎? 營利性質的產蛋母雞絕不會有機會遇到公雞,因此在商店內購買的雞蛋絕對不可能會胚胎受精。 Is there any chance the eggs I could buy at the grocery store could be fertilized?Hens that produce eggs commercially never encounter a rooster, so there is no way eggs purchased at the grocery store could be fertilized with an embryo. 圖片來源: https://medium.com/the-year-of-the-looking-glass/the-secret-of-the-chicken-and-the-egg-206b7f1ce83b

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是的。 因為它們沒有被屠宰或混合其他非kosher(註1)的食物(treif-註2)。 只要雞蛋沒有打破並且沒有任何血斑(這被認為是使雞蛋不潔淨, 或者不是符合猶太飲食戒律的食物),它們仍然是kosher。 雞蛋同樣也被視為pareve(註3), 這意味著它們可以與乳製品(牛奶)或肉類一起食用。 註1:Kosher的希伯來文意義為「適合的」或「適當的」, 例如:「符合Kosher的食物」就是「符合猶太飲食戒律的食物」。 註2:舊約聖經利未記第十一章紀錄了的名單把動物分成 「潔淨 (treifah)」與「不潔淨(treif)」兩類。 註3:「中性食品」,又稱「素馨食品」,成份既不含肉(尤其紅肉)亦不含奶, 適合逾越節食用;但個別衣索比亞猶太人律法與波斯猶太人律法則 允許含有家禽蛋類及有鰭有鱗之魚類。 參考資料:【維基百科】符合教規的食物 (猶太教)及 【世界公民文化中心】Kosher:一個字搞懂猶太人飲食文化 Are all eggs kosher? Eggs are kosher, because they aren’t slaughtered or mixed with other non-kosher foods (treif). They remain kosher as long as eggs aren’t broken open and don’t have any blood spots (which is considered to make the egg unclean, or not kosher). Eggs are also pareve, which means they can be consumed with dairy (milk) or meat. 圖片來源:https://www.bumblebar.com/learn-kosher/

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fil55888 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

還發現細菌在白色中生長,但不像蛋黃中那樣頻繁。 雞蛋安全中心和FDA建議不要吃生的或未煮熟的蛋黃和白蛋,

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A:不,雞蛋冷藏後,重要的是他們保持這種狀態。保持一致,涼爽的溫度對安全至關重要。在室溫下放置的冷蛋可能會出汗,導致細菌滋生。冷藏雞蛋在您重新將它冷藏前不應放置在室溫超過兩小時。 I just realized I left the egg carton on the kitchen counter overnight. Are the eggs safe to use? No, after eggs are refrigerated, it is important they stay that way. Maintaining a consistent, cool temperature is critical to safety. A cold egg left out at room temperature can sweat, facilitating bacteria growth. Refrigerated eggs should not be left out more than two hours before re-refrigeration. 圖片來源: http://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2019/aug/03/keep-money-gold-for-me-next-time-burglar-joses-egg-citing-escapades-become-talk-of-the-town-2013339.html

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